In the next chapter of The New Order – Selfridges creative campaign that explores the future of fashion and retail through the medium of digital art – Selfridges teamed up with 3D design collective DIGI-GAL. Watch the new season’s just-dropped pieces come to life as otherworldly digital renders.
Director + 3D Garment Animator: @cattytay
Producer + Editor @jocelyn_anquetil
3D Designer: @alexa_sirbu
3D Designer: @Stephyfungdesign
3D Designer: @christina_worner
Assisting Designer: @Laura.subirats
3D Garment Designer: @3dressmaker
Sound Design: @sebruen
Producer + Editor @jocelyn_anquetil
3D Designer: @alexa_sirbu
3D Designer: @Stephyfungdesign
3D Designer: @christina_worner
Assisting Designer: @Laura.subirats
3D Garment Designer: @3dressmaker
Sound Design: @sebruen